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Eichkorn's Editorial

Soaring with Limitless Potential

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Teahcer at a Math Class

Reflex Math

Math Computation

We are using a math computation program at Jay Shideler this year that has proven effective for improving math computation. It is a web-based program called Reflex Math. We have started it in our class and I try to provide time for it each day, however there are days we do not get to it due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have time at home to encourage your child to spend additional time on the program, that would be wonderful.

Attached, please find the parent registration information for this program. If you are interested, you are welcome to look into it. It allows you to monitor your child's progress.

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Parent Teacher Conference

February 19th-20th, 2020

Parent teacher conferences are approaching in February. Your child brought home a form for you to reserve a time to meet with me to discuss their progress in fifth grade up util this point. Please send back your preferred time and we will do our best to design the best schedule fitting for all of our families to attend at their convenience.

The following dates and times are available: 

February 19th- 4:00-8:00

February 20th- 8:00-8:00

I look forward to discussing your child's progress with you at this time. Please return the forms by January 31st or before. 

VIP Case Alana January 20th-24th

Bring items for the display case. We love seeing things that mean something to you and pictures of your family. It is fun to see what everyone brings.

Home: Events
Home: What's Happening

National Board Work With Ms. Bruce

Attached is a letter detailing some work Ms. Bruce would like to do with our class in order to complete her National Board Certification. What a wonderful opportunity we will have to work with her in this endeavor. One of the requirements she needs from us in order to participate is parent permission. Please read, sign and return the signed slip with your child in order for them to have permission to participate.

Ready to Get Published

Music Concerts

Second Semester Music 

Choir The choir concert will be on May 4th at 6:30. The doors will be open at 6:00 to the gym for attendees to be seated. 

Band: In collaboration with the other music groups at Jay Shideler, the band will be playing at 6:30 on May 4th. 

Shideler Singers Directly following the choir concert on May 4th, Shideler Singers will be performing at approximately 7:30.

Children Singing in a Choir
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Image by Annie Spratt
Girl with Bookshelves
Raising Hands

Math Learning Objectives

What we have been working on in the last week or so.

  • Adding and subtracting with unlike denominators

Reading Learning Objectives

What we have been working on in the last week or so.

  • Finding the main idea and details

  • Reading and understanding informational text

English and Grammar Learning Objectives

What we have been working on in the last week or so.

  • Distinguishing shades of meaning between synonyms

  • Accurately using capitalization and punctuation in direct quotations

  • Using interjections correctly

Home: Admissions
Chemistry Students
Ship Stationery
Christmas Tree Ornament

Science Learning Objectives

What are we doing?

  • Using the scientific method perform a scientific investigation

  • Identify the steps of the scientific method

  • Identifying properties of matter in order to identify an unfamiliar substance.

Social Studies

What have we been up to?

  • Identifying early settlements of the New World

Parents Teacher Conferences

February 19th-20th, 2020

Please return your reservation by January 31st in order to be considered for your first preference.

Home: Admissions

What’s Up

Stay in the Know


February 19th-20th, 2020

Parent Teacher Conferences

Roller Skates

January 28th, 2020

Skating Party 6-8

Home: Upcoming Events

VIP Case                        Alana

January 19th-23rd, 2020

Bring items for the display case. We love seeing things that mean something to you and pictures of your family. It is fun to see what everyone brings.

Learn More
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4948 SW Wanamaker Rd. Topeka, Kansas 66610




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